Thursday, October 22, 2015

Perfect Running Partner

I run by myself; I like the quiet. There was one time, however, when I had the perfect running partner.

I was at a business retreat in Montauk, at the tip of Long Island. Before the morning sessions, I went for a run along a nearby country road. As I was getting started, a yellow Lab ran up to me. I'm not used to dogs, and at first I was a bit nervous. But yellow Labs are so sweet and friendly that I accepted his request to join me.

About 10 minutes later, a large dog, barking loudly, ran toward us. My buddy peeled off to engage with the other member of his species while I kept running. I didn't want to get in the middle of a fight. A few minutes later, I heard loud panting behind me. My running partner was racing to catch up; we finished our run together, in joyful companionship. Perfect!

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